January 17, 2024

Correct COI the First Time!

Here are some handy tips to get the Certificate of Insurance ACORD 25 correct the first time for the client:

1. Named Insured - Find out who signed the rental contract with the venue - that's who needs to be the insured. Whether it's a business entity, non-profit, or individual, we can name the appropriate person(s) as the insured.

2. Event Type - Know your risk!  Start with the role of the insured: Event Planner (consultant), Event Organizer (their event), or Event Vendor/Exhibitor. Once you have selected this role, use the handy search option to quickly find the correct class code the first time.

3. Coverage Dates - Always include the setup and teardown dates. Add the next day if the event goes past midnight; for example, 1am Saturday night is technically Sunday. Most date additions will not cause a rate increase.

4. Coverage Limits - Get a copy of the Insurance Requirements from the venue. That will show you the appropriate minimum Occurrence, DRP, Aggregate, Med Pay, and deductible limit requirements. Also look for Waiver of Subrogation/Primary Non-Contributory wording requirements and Non-Owned & Hired Auto.

5. Liquor Liability - Is the insured selling alcohol? Select Retail LL coverage. If the insured is a bartender or being paid to serve, the Retail LL coverage will default with the bartender class codes. Is the Insured giving alcohol away? Host LL coverage is included for free in almost every case. No alcohol? Leave the Host LL coverage on the policy, so the carrier responds to a frivolous LL lawsuit.

6. Certificate Holder/Additional Insured - The application will let you enter the Certificate Holder as necessary, but if there is additional wording, many names, or other statements that need to be included, let us know! Email info@InsuranceHelper.com the quote/policy number and the necessary wording. Usual response time is under 2 hours (often in under 15 minutes) Monday-Friday.